MPF - ICBC(Asia)
Customer Reminder: Beware of bogus phone calls or bogus bank hotline numbers, the Bank will not contact customer via phone calls or SMS messages regarding the MPF services. If customers are suspicious about the identity of the callers or hotline numbers mentioned in SMS messages , please contact our Customer Service Hotline (852) 218 95588 for enquiry. Click here for more details.
MPF Services
We understand your need for your future retirement. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited ("ICBC (Asia)") together with a number of renowned local financial institutions established Bank Consortium Holding Limited ("BCT Group"). The BCT Group comprises BCT Financial Limited (BCTF) and Bank Consortium Trust Company Limited (BCTC), is a major MPF product provider and one of the trust companies in Hong Kong providing MPF services to customers. ICBC (Asia) is a member of the shareholder group of BCT Group currently and provides MPF referral services.
Know More
For details, please visit BCT Group official website or contact BCT Hotline (Employer: 2298 9388/ Member: 2298 9333)
Risk Disclosure Statement
ICBC (Asia) provides MPF referral service only, we do not invite or induce you nor provide you with any advice and representation in connection with (i) joining any registered MPF scheme; (ii) transferring the accrued benefit to a registered MPF scheme; or (iii) investing in any fund of a registered MPF scheme. The MPF advices, services and/ or products are provided by the BCT Group but not ICBC (Asia).
Customer should get full understanding on the details, fee and charges and potential risks of the products/plans before making any MPF services decision and should consult with professional advice or contact BCT Hotline when in doubt.