• e工具

服務介紹 - 中國工商銀行(亞洲)



中國工商銀行(亞洲)一直致力保護環境及天然資源,推出電子結單/通知書服務以減少紙張消耗。申請電子結單/通知書毋須收費,也可以支持環保,一舉兩得。 電子結單/通知書服務讓您可透過中國工商銀行(亞洲)個人網上理財隨時隨地瀏覽及下載電子版本的結單/通知書,並提供免費提示電郵通知客戶登入個人網上理財查閱最新的結單/通知書。


  • 減少紙張消耗,保護環境及天然資源。
  • 簡單、方便、快捷、安全即時接收資訊,免除郵遞延誤。
  • 省卻管理大量的郵寄結單/通知書時間。
  • 可自由瀏覽、下載和列印過往84個月的電子結單/通知書。
  • 簡單易用,只需登入中國工商銀行(亞洲)網上銀行即可自由瀏覽、下載和列印。
  • 設有免費提示電郵通知您新結單/通知書已上載。


存款類通知書 Deposit Advice:

  1. SDB Rental Payment Advice 保管箱繳付租金通知書
  2. SDB Rental Payment Overdue Reminder 保管箱年租過期通知書
  3. SDB Rental Payment Overdue Final Reminder 保管箱年租過期最後通知書
  4. Zero Balance Notification 零餘額通知書
  5. Welcome Letter 新客戶迎新信件
  6. Dormant Notification 不動戶通知書
  7. Monthly Fee Notification 開始收月費通知書
  8. Return Cheque Protection Limit Usage Notification 免退票保障額使用通知書
  9. Cheque Book Application Letter (Collected At Branch) 支票簿申請信(於分行領取)
  10. Cheque Book Application Letter (By Mail) 支票簿申請信(郵寄)
  11. Monthly Fee For Banking services - Reminder 理財金帳戶服務月費 - 提示
  12. Monthly Fee For Banking services - Second Reminder 理財金帳戶服務月費 - 第二提示
  13. Termination Notice Of Banking services 理財金帳戶 - 終止服務通知書
  14. Time Deposit Maturity Instructions Notification 定期到期指示通知書
  15. Enquiry-Linked Deposit Redemption Advice 股票高息定期存款到期通知書
  16. Currency-Linked Deposit Redemption Advice 貨幣掛鈎定期存款到期通知書
  17. Thank You Letter 感謝信
  18. Passbook Unposted Items Statement 存摺簿未入賬清單
  19. UOD/UI Charge Notification 批量扣手續費通知書
  20. Credit Interest Statement 利息對帳單
  21. Overdraft Interest Statement 透支利息對帳單
  22. Registration of e-Statement Service 登記電子結單服務通知書

匯款類通知書 Remittance Advice:

  1. Inward Remittance - Credit Advice 匯款通知書
  2. Stop/Re-purchase Demand Draft Credit Advice 匯票止付/回購成功的入賬通知書
  3. Cheque Collection Credit Advice 托收票據入賬通知書
  4. Cheque Collection Returned Advice 托收票據退票通知書
  5. Auto-Remittance Confirmation 聯機大量匯款通知書
  6. Auto-Remittance Benefi Details Register Confirmation 聯機大量匯款帳戶登記通知書
  7. Outward Remittance - Debit Advice 匯款通知書
  8. Internet Banking Beneficiary Account Registration Notification 網上銀行收款人登記通知書

貸款類通知書 Loans Advice:

  1. Insurance Expiry Reminder 保險到期通知書
  2. Credit Advice 入賬通知書
  3. Hire Purchase Pay-In Slip 租購交款書
  4. Loan Repayment Advice 還款明細表
  5. Interest Rate Change Advice 更改利率通知書
  6. Loan Statement 還款記錄單
  7. Loan Repayment Advice 還款通知書
  8. Loan Repayment Reminder 還款提示通知書
  9. “Unimoney” Overdue Payment Notice 「貸稅錢」稅務貸款逾期付款通知書
  10. Personal Loan Overdue Payment Notice 私人貸款逾期付款通知書
  11. Personal Loan Final Overdue Payment Notice 私人貸款逾期付款最後通知書
  12. Loan Advice 貸款通知書
  13. Tax Loan 「貸稅錢」稅務貸款
  14. Tax Loan Overdue Payment Notice 「貸稅錢」稅務貸款逾期付款通知書
  15. Personal Loan Drawdown Advice 私人貸款通知書
  16. Personal Load Final Repayment Advice 私人貸款全數清還通知書
  17. Tax Loan Drawdown Advice 稅務貸款通知書
  18. Insurance Premium Payment Advice 保險金通知書
  19. Confirmation Of Occupancy Status For Equitable Mortgage 樓花按揭保險物業用途聲明通知書

網銀類通知書 Internet Banking Advice:

  1. Application for Internet Banking Services - Including Mobile Banking Services 申請個人網上銀行服務通知書(包括手機銀行服務)
  2. Application for re-issuance of Internet Banking Services PIN - Personal 申請重發網上理財服務密碼通知書
  3. Open Bank Accounts through Internet Banking 透過個人網上理財申請開立戶口通知書
  4. Fund Transfer to Non-registered 3rd Party Account 轉賬至未登記的第三者賬戶通知書
  5. Beneficiary Account Registration Or Deletion - Personal 登記/刪除收款賬戶通知書
  6. Application for Internet Banking Or Phone Banking Services 申請網上理財及/或電話理財服務通知書

信用卡類通知書 Credit Card Advice:

  1. Card Activation Reminder Letter 信用卡確認通知
  2. ICBC Unsecured Personal/Tax Loan Application Letter ICBC 無抵押私人/稅務貸款申請
  3. Card Cancellation Letter 取消信用卡確認通知
  4. Confirmation of Autopay Set Up Letter 確認賬戶自動轉賬
  5. Bonus Point Gift Redemption Letter 信用卡積分計劃禮品換領
  6. Credit Card Bonus Point Redemption Letter 信用卡積分換領禮品/訂購貨品換領信
  7. Autopay Return Letter 自動轉賬不成功通知信
  8. Principal Cardholder Welcome Gift Redemption Letter 信用卡主卡持卡人禮品換領信
  9. Credit Card Cash Installment Plan Confirmation Letter 信用卡分期計劃確認書
  10. Application For the E-Statement Services Letter 登記信用卡電子結單
  11. Application for Personalised Octopus Card Letter 個人八達通領卡信函 - 申請個人八達通卡拒絕信函
  12. Activation of Octopus Automatic Add Value Service (AAVS) 個人八達通領卡信函 - AAVS信函
  13. Change of Automatic Add Value Amount 個人八達通領卡信函 - 更改增值金額信函
  14. Personalised Octopus Card Collection Notice 個人八達通領卡信函 - 領卡信函
  15. Personalised Octopus Card Collection Reminder 個人八達通領卡信函 - 客戶一個月內未領卡提示信函
  16. Application for Automatic Add-Value Service (Reject) 個人八達通領卡信函 - AAVS拒絕信函

支付類通知書 Payment Advice:

  1. Confirmation Of Autopay/DDA Instruction 自動轉賬指令/DDA確認
  2. DDA Cancellation Advice Due To No Movement 無交易DDA終止通知書
  3. Contract Cancellation Advice Due To No Movement 無交易合約取消通知書
  4. Failure to Execute AutoPay Order Advice 發動交易失敗通知書
  5. Credit Advice - Auto-Credit Return 貸記通知書-付款退回
  6. Confirmation of DDAs Amendment (Debtor) 修改/DDA通知書 - 給債務人
  7. Outward Return Advice 支票退回通知書
  8. Inward Return Advice 支票退回通知書

自動取款機類通知書 ATM Advice:

  1. Easylink Card Annual Fee Reminder 理財通卡服務年費通知書
  2. Oversea ATM Cash Withdrawal 海外取款通知書

電話銀行類通知書 Phone Banking Advice:

  1. Phone Banking Fund Transfer Advice 電話銀行轉賬通知信
  2. Phone Banking Time Deposit Advice 電話銀行開立定期通知信
  3. Phone Banking Time Deposit Maintenance Advice 電話銀行定期存款續期、提取、更改到期指示通知信
  4. Registration of Phone Banking Service Advice 個人新開立電話銀行服務通知信
  5. Phone Banking 3rd Party Account Registration Advice 個人電銀增加,修改,刪除登記第三者帳戶通知信
  6. Phone Banking Reset Password Advice 個人電銀重置密碼通知信
