Officer to Deputy Manager, Liquidity Management (Ref: ALM-LM-SH-ICBCA)
Prepare daily liquidity risk management reports using existing procedures in order to provide updated and accurate information for management.
Conduct liquidity risk indicator forecast, and improve the projection accuracy.
Monitor the Statutory requirement indicators, internal risk indicators and early warning indicators, and provide solutions to potential liquidity risks.
Review and update liquidity risk management policies.
Perform ad-hoc assignments by instruction, guidance and direction from supervisors.
Degree holder of relevant discipline in Accounting, Economics or Finance.
Minimum of 2 years of relevant banking experience preferably in Asset and Liability management.
Solid understanding of HKMA requirements with up to date market knowledge.
Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication capabilities.
Fluency in both written and spoken English and Chinese (including Putonghua).
To apply, please send full resume including present and expected salary to
The Human Resources Manager, GPO Box 872 Hong Kong or e-mail to
Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only